HI GUYS, I’m honored to introduced to you my last massage creation: The Functional Massage Experience.

You probably don’t know but I’ve been a Personal Trainer ( Crossfit, Functional Training and Bodybuilding ) for more than 20 yrs and I finally developed a method that blends together strengthening exercises with some active release techniques to increase mobility, get rid of pain and improve performance.

I believe that if you want to de-activate the pain sensation in one area of your body, you need to move that area, activate certain muscle and release other trigger muscle.

My Functional Massage allow you to get the feeling of a low intensity workout with the relaxation of the Myo-Fascial Release massage. You can see a short video I shot with my client to improve rounded shoulders and strengthening the upper back.

If you would like to contact me for A Functional Massage send me a WhatsApp or an SMS at 34 634791996

I will answer you as soon as possible.

Best Regards, Max

Lower Back Pain Relief with Advanced Myofascial Massage in Barcelona

Hi Friends, this is Max I’m an Osteopath and a physical trainer in Barcelona.

Today I want to share with you some of the techniques from Rolfing and Deep Tissue Massage ( masaje estructural profundo) that I use to fix lower back pain (dolor de espalda baja).

Back pain can be caused by over-used muscle or can be postural.

Most people has hernia in the L4 and L5 vertebrae but never experience any pain, Others might have a nerve impingement and feel an horrible shooting pain down their legs.

For this reason a good assessment is necessary to understand the root cause of the problem , even if without MRI is not always possible to isolate the real issue.

In any case there are great non bias researches that prove that a good relaxing or deep tissue massage can mitigate the pain in the lower back.

No matter what the cause is, relaxing the muscle around the spine and hips, can make you feel much, much better.

For example getting rid of the tightness in the quadratus lumborum can “magically” resolve a hips elevation and a consequently short leg.

Myofacial massage can definitely align pelvis and lower compartment fascia

If you Stretch a tight ileo-psoas muscle in a hyperlordic lumbar (a big lumbar curve) region can make wonder for a lower-crossed syndrome.

Those are just two basic physical interventions to get rid of back pain even though it is never so simple as you probably know.

When we will work together we will find and correct :

  1. Your weak muscle and the way to finally activate them
  2. Fascia adhesions or restrictions that impede the functional movement of your muscle
  3. Functional end range of motion of your joints and how to increase it
  4. Pain in your Trigger Points ( where it’s possible)
  5. Stressed and shortned muscle and I will release them with advanced myofascial release technique
  6. Or you can just enjoy a Damn Good Massage!

To Book a session with me just send me a WhatsApp at 0034 634791996

I looking forward to meeting you !

Best Regards

( I offer 50% discounts for female clients that allow me to shoot the treatment for my Instagram or Youtube Channel ) it’s easy just ask me how.

Here an example of my Lower Back Treatment , Enjoy


Hello everyone I’m Max,

Today I would like to show you how I work on my clients muscle to relieve back, shoulder and neck pain.

My hope is that you will perceive my practices behind the functional techniques and you will be so amazed and delighted that you will call for an instant session.

Massage is an healing dance made of tight and loose muscle, precise movements, sliding fasciae, popping vertebrae and melting knots.

The results of this dance are : functional range conditioning, reduce inflammation, less general and specific pain, increase of oxytocin, serotonin and a persistent sense of wellbeing.

So I hope you will enjoy the video and I’m looking forward to meeting you

you can choose between Relaxing, Sport or Deep Tissue Massage Session in Barcelona.

Best Regards,


Do You Have A Crooked Back?Learn How To Fix IT!

Lately I hurt my back during a DT ( a Crossfit Wod with a 70 KG Clean&Jerk ). If you don’t know what it is, no worries, It’s just a hell of a workout with a lot of weight. The result : an extreme back pain and a crooked back.

Training and bad posture are one of the main causes of back pain. When you damage your lumbar spine you become useless for any activity that involve using your body.

it’s an humbling experience. I was grumpy and mad with my self because my Ego didn’t allow me to reduce the weight during the workout even if I know I was pushing it.

Now I thought If I have to stop working at least I want to shot a video for my patients so that they can heal the back pain in the comfort of their home.

Maybe you don’t know but I’m a known personal trainer in Barcelona and I’ve been helping client since 2008.

Anyway here is the video ⬇️ Before you go if for some reason the exercises don’t help you I can make you feel better if you book a session at 0034 634791996 Whatsapp me or call Me

How to heal back pain at home , personal trainer barcelona

The Solution For Painful Feet and Hips. Deep Tissue,Fascia & ART

Are you experiencing a continuous hip’s pain every time you walk? Does your foot hurts? The position of your feet and the way you step are big components of your skeleton architecture. If your foot is pronated, or is pushing inside your shoes for example you might have the lateral fascial line : tibialis anterior, IT Band, TFL in deep pain.

With a Deep Tissue or a Fascia Massage is possible to release all the muscle that are connected all the way to your neck

Here an example on how I will release a tight leg and a painful foot

lower compartment release. Fascia massage , Sport Massage Barcelona

For Inquiries and Booking please contact me via Whatsapp or call me at 0034 634791996 I will be happy to answer all your questions

Best Regards,



disfrutas de un masaje relajante o masaje deportivo en toda seguridad . Barcelona Covid19 free zone

Hola Chicos bienvenidos a mi Web , estoy seguro que esteis todos bien y que pronto volveremos a disfrutar del sentido del tacto, celebrando un futuro sin Covid19 😄

Recibo muchos mensajes sobre que masaje es mejor para relajarse del estres de esta larga quarantena. Masaje Deportivo o Relajante?

La respuesta a esta pregunta es ¨todo depende de tu umbral de dolor¨

El cuerpo no sabe la diferencia entre un masaje descontracturante o uno relajante

Pero el cuerpo si entiende el lenguaje de los nociceptores o receptores del dolor.

Los nociceptores no son el unico tipo de receptores del musculo tambien hay receptores de la piel , del calor, de la presion. Todos estos receptores envian mesaje al cerebro de como se encuentra tejido en este preciso momento.

Cuando doy un Masaje Relajante toco tu cuerpo como un instrumento, tus receptoras son mi notas.

He estado tocando este increible instrumento por mas de 10 años. Cada cuerpo es un instrumento diferente, con necesidades diferentes.

Una guitarra puede estar desafinada asi el nuestro cuerpo: una mala dieta puede crear inflamacion, la falta de ejercicio dolor de espalda, el trabajo al ordenador crear una postura incorrecta.

Cuando estas en mi mesa de masaje cuidare tu instrumento para que tu puedas interpretar tu mejor cancion, para que tu pueda correr mas rapido, trabajar mas eficientemente o simplemente relajarte en este momento dificil que todos estamos viviendo.

Estoy buscando personas que quieren estar mejor en sus cuerpos, sentirse libre y en paz como de verano despues de un dia soleado a la playa

” Conoces a alguien que pueda estar interesado?¨


Whatsapp me : +34 634791996 pregunta para masaje deportivo , descontracturante o relajante

Gracias y hasta pronto



HOLA Guys , we are living in interesting times, It’s been a month since I was able to work on my clients muscles relieve their back pain, adjust their vertebras or simply give them the most relaxing massage in Barcelona.

I just miss you , I miss the close physical , emotional and spiritual connection with you all . Most of you have become friends and with whom I’ve shared stories and past experiences with and for those I haven’t met yet you certainly will be.

I’ve seen so many of you come here with pain and leave feeling better and fitter with time.

I’ve related to listened to your troubles, your jokes and your concerns about the Future only to discover shortly after your success in the form of a promotion , a new job a new significant other/new love. Your lives changed for the better in some way and you were happily relishing the sweetness of change

I din’t create this post to get emotional and cheesy, however I did want to reach out and share that I was thinking of you all. Like many of you I’m an entrepreneur, I frequently look for new business opportunities all the time and I won’t let this damn virus get me down.

So this is my offer in this crazy Covid19 Era where I can’t physically touch you :

Would you be willing to get rid of you back, neck and shoulder pain today?

Are you ready to feel fitter , healthier and improve your posture in just one session ?

With a Video Call session? Maybe even right now?

If you would

Whatsapp me at 0034 634791996 and will tell you how

This is video below quickly explains how you can take care of your neck and heal from home :

Self massage techniques for neck pain

Best Regards

Massimiliano Ercoli

The Sport & Deep Tissue Massage With The Most 5 Stars Reviews in Barcelona


I’m Max a Certified Massage Therapist and Osteopath here in Barcelona. I offer Sport and Deep Tissue Massages in my Studio near the Sagrada Familia.

I have an extensive professional relationship with all types of clients and gender : Men , Women , Straight , Gay , or those in LGBTQ Community..

I believe that if your body is in need of a real professional massage and you want to feel renewed , relaxed and awesome in your own body, I’m the right guy for you.

With my techniques and Osteopathic  Treatments I can reduce your back pain , stiff neck soreness as well as feet discomfort . Find out why more than 220 people have rated me with 5 stars Reviews on Google

My fees are 70 Euros x 60 min and 100 euros x 90 min  INCALLS

or 150Euros x  60 min and 200 Euros x 90 OUTCALLS


Book A Massage Today at:   +34 634791996 

Please feel free to Call or send a Message Or WhatsAPP


I look forward to meeting  you !

