Fix Your Posture (PERMANENTLY) , with MyoFascial Release Massage

Myofascial Release Massage
MyoFascial Release Massage in Barcelona

Myofascial Release Massage and its close cousin Rolfing , are alternative medicine therapies that treat the fascia and the muscle in your body, starting at the feet and continuing up to the skull. The MyoFascial concept is simple .As human being we are subjected to the pull of the force of gravity . Our structure (bone , muscle and fascia) adapt to this force and create dysfunctional movement pattern throughout our life that can result in behaviourally fixed positions.

Think about how the position of the head influences the rest of the spine when you are checking your phone. Or how high heels increase your pelvic tilt and create lower back pain .Even the way your feet touch the ground can induce shin splint or sciatica pain.

The causes of pain are infinite and to detect exactly where certain pain comes from is very complicated. I’m still learning after 20 years as a personal trainer and 6 yrs as a Muscle Therapist. Every day is a new challenge but I love it and I’m grateful for all my clients that trusted me all these years.

Fascia Work and Deep Tissue Massage Techniques can influence and correct your posture ( as long as it’s not structural ) . I can move your muscle and the fascia in the right direction ( generally against gravity) and with the addition of mobility and physical exercises you can become straight and strong again

if you think this is what you need or if you have any questions send me a Whatsapp Now at 0034 634791996

I charge 60 euros x 60 min

and 85 euros x 90 min

Best Regards


Deep Tissue Massage Barcelona

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Whether you are an Athlete, A Crossfitter, a Bodybuilder or just an average Joe DeepTissue Massage Therapy likely has some great benefits to offer you.

Muscle get tight from training and long hours sitting on a desk . An overall sense of pain and discomfort in your middle back and trapezius area can blunt your daily experience of sightseen here in Barcelona.

I’m Max , a Certified Massage Therapist  and Osteopath from Estp Barcelona. With 6 years of experience in massaging all kind of body-types , genders and races from all around the world I reached a good level of skillness in Back Pain Relief , Sciatica relief , Torticolis and general Sport Recovery Massage

In My studio close by to Sagrada Familia and only 10 min from Plaza Catalunya I can work on your knots and release all your stresses from the airplane trip.

I’m well aware of the great variety of Massage Center in Barcelona and that’s why I offer a Customize Massage based of your physiology

Massage therapy is not only a leisure moment , it is a great way to learn how to re-discover your body throughout the release of muscle tissue pain and the relaxation of the  Fascia . it’s a work in progress and it’s a dialogue between the therapist and the Athlete.

So book me today for a great Deep Tissue Massage in Barcelona

My fee are 65 Euros x 60 min

                     85 Euros x 90 min

call me at 0034 634791996 0r send me a Whatsapp

I will be happy to answer all your questions

Best Regards


Gay/ Straight Massage Barcelona : Back Pain Has NO GENDER


Good Morning ,

Thank you for stopping by to my massage Blog, My names is Max I’m a Certified Massage Therapist in Barcelona. If you are looking for the greatest relief for your back and shoulder you have landed on the right page!

I have 5 years experience in Massage Therapy and all my international and local clients keep coming back on my massage table to receive their weekly dose of therapeutic comfort Yes, because the most important thing and the blueprint of my service is that you are going to feel as at ease and relax as possible and all your stressing thoughts, all your worries and your knots are going to disappear, leaving you Brand New.

My massage table has no Gender preference and I don’t discriminate if you are in bad shape, older or just shy. A massage is not a luxury is a basic need for the body, for your healthy emotional being and to feel pamper and to get rid of all those useless toxins. Toxins that you develope at your job, while you are training and in unhealthy relationships.

So if you have a back pain problem , shoulder problem, sciatica or you just need to relax and connect with your body again don’t hesitate and Call Me Now at

0034 634791996 ( I’ll be happy to asnwer all your questions)

Therapeutic Massage  is 55 euros x 60 min / 80 Euros x 90 min /

I hope to hear soon from you

Best Regards


Relaxing Massage Barcelona


Max (Best Massage Barcelona) : 0034 634791996

Hi Guys ,

Welcome to my massage blog !

This website is for all the massage nerds out there that enjoy a warm, de-stressing, relaxing massage.

If you are in Barcelona is pretty difficult to find a great masseur able to work and melt your knots the way I do.

I’m a Certified Masseur Therapist and Osteopath and I’m taking my job seriously but with a smile. In my studio close to Sagrada Familia I’m able to offer you the best massage therapy in  the area.

My studio is private, clean and tight.

My speciality is a good strong relaxing massage , I cater this service to men and women even couples ( I have a female masseur that can do a perfect job on your body ) and it doesn’t matter if you are fat, ugly or old; a massage is an healthy practice and everybody should benefit from it!

The relaxing massage is my speciality ,but I can provide any type of massages :

Deep Tissue Massage

Sport Massage

Anti-Cellulite Massage

Here a video of my massage,  It’s only a back massage but you can see my techniques

and them can be apply to every part of  your body .

So if you need a relief from your walking and tours day in Barcelona I’m only 9 min away  from the center ( Passeo de Gracia , Plaza Catalunya)

My Fee :

Relaxing Massage  x 60 min = 55 Euros

Relaxing Massage  x 90 min = 80 Euros

Call me Now and Book you Massage

0034 634791996

(I accept Paypal)

Best Regards


Hotel Massage in Barcelona

Hotel Massages are the best. Having a masseur coming directly to your Hotel is a pleasurable and comfortable experience. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your room expecially in the winter and after a relaxing shower you just have to lie down and wait for your massage to enter your room.

If the Therapist doesn’t provide a massage bed , the hotel massage is done at the bottom of the bed.To achieve the best results is useful to add a pillow under your chest, so that your neck will be exposed to a total pleasureble touch. The masseur will lay on his knees on the floor ( generally it will ask you for a pillow for his kneees) and it will start from your lumbar spine all the way up to your neck and then down again to create that heat you need to enjoy a total relaxing experience.

The Masseur will then start again with a different technique to press all the points in your back that ache and  need to be healed.

Technique after technique your body will start floating in a state of total pleasure. The comfort of an Hotel Massage is unbeatable. Most of my clients fall asleep in a state of relaxation,recovering faster  from the jetlag or a long travel.

Don’t miss your chance to get the Best Massage in Barcelona to come to your Hotel and give  this pleasureble gift to your body

Hotel Massage Fees are

55 euros x 60 min ( plus Taxi)

80 euros x 90 min ( plus Taxi)

How To Prepare For A Good Massage

Receiving a massage is an art almost like giving it.To prepare for the best  massage of your life  is important to follow some easy steps that can make your massage experience totally fulfilling.

Barcelona has a lot of Massage Centers and Spa but not all of them prepare their clients in the right way. Don’t get me wrong those massage centers are great and the experience is really relaxing. Nonetheless none of them suggest you to prepare for your massage mentally and emotionally.

The best massage experience is an exchange of energy between the Therapist and the Receiver, almost like a dance where the Therapist ‘s hands and your skin get in contact for the first time. A good therapist will explores your muscle and tendons like watchmaker and will make the body worl perfectly and smoothly again. But to do that he needs you to be totally open to the experience.

Here I’ll post some good advise to experience your massage at your best.

  1. Be receptive to the massage : it means get rid of your fear and complexes. everybody has few of them.You don’t like your thighs or your buttock and you feel embarassed about them. You have cellulite, spider veins, big moles, hairy moles…Listen, when you having a massage the Therapist is not there to judge your appearance or your flows is there to give you the best massage he can possibly give to you. He saw your flows already on other patients so there is nothing new under the sun. This is your moment,let yourself enjoyin it!
  2. I suggest not to have a big meal before a masage session. You don’t want to feel uncomfortable in your stomach during your massage.
  3. Schedule your massage appointment on your agenda and give yourself some free time before so that you are alredy relax when you arrive to the massage center
  4. Ask for privacy when you are changing. The massage therapist should leave the room at the beginning and at the end of the session
  5. Always communicate with your  massage therapist. He needs to know all your health history to be sure to give the best massage possible. tell him where is your pain , what do you expect from the massage session , if you feel cold , if you want some music, if you prefer silence.Remember he is there to make the massage session the best for you.
  6. Feedback, Feedback, Feedback! Tell your Therapist what you like and what you don’t like during the massage.The massage is dance if you feel the therapist is not in synchrony with your pleasure tell him to change or stop.
  7. Drink water after the massage or a good white tea to help detox your body

Hopefully you found this article helpfull.

If you want to contact me for a Massage Session you can do it at 0034 634791996

My Fees are :

Relaxing Massage 55 euros 60 min , 80 euros  90 min

Deep Tissue Massage   55 euros 60 min, 80 euros 90 min

Hard Deep Tissue Massage + Adjustments ( Quiropractic Manipulation)

65 euros 60 min

Best Masseur Barcelona? Am I exaggerating?

Am I the Best Male Masseur in Barcelona? Of course I’m not , How can you even compare different massage techniques and the energy work every masseur provide to their clients.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of two different personalities that click together.

For example: I noticed that strong personalities and people that like to be challenge love a Deep Tissue Massage. But I have to admit that there is a masochist component in the request for a very Hard Deep Tissue Massage , especialy in the Male-to-Male Massage, that of course I’m proud and happy to provide.When I give this type of Massage I notice a complete tense silence or a soft release of a whining sound. The pain in the knots are giving them hard time but in the same moment there is a pleasure component that is the awarness of the pain slipping away and a new pain-free back.

Most executive on the other hand need a good Relaxing Massage something not too strong but firm. They probably enjoy a relaxing massage better because they need a place  to rest their thoughts and just floating for an hour in a sensitive heaven.

Doesn’t matter what kind of personality you have i can find the Best Massage for You! Remember I’m the best male masseur in Barcelona! Lol

so if you interest in my Massage Services contact me at 0034 634 79 1996

I have a private cabin close to the center of Bcn or I can come directly to your Hotel

Hard Deep Tissue Massage 65 x 60 min

Deep Tissue Massage 55 x 60 min

Relaxing Massage 55 x 60 min

Relaxing Massage in Barcelona

Finding a real and relaxing massage in Barcelona it’s not that easy. The relaxing massage is something that has to come with the personality of the Masseur. The energy of the massage therapist has to be calm and the touch has to be firm and smooth at the same time.

if the therapist has some stress himself it will pass this nervous and block energy to the client.

That’s why I suggest to all my  massage’s students to meditate and heal themselves from anytype of restriction in their aura.

Clean energy is the basic for an amazing relaxing massage. I always find my sacred space before massage a a person. Get into yourself and find the why you are giving this massage. It can take only two minutes but be clear on the intent.

Prepare the massage bed like ritual every steps is important: candles, oil, music . light..

This is the right  preparation for this sacred sensual moment .

My Relaxing Massage is always an out of space experience, your body will flow under the pressure and movements of my hands, the rhytm of the movement will bring great pleasure to all your body.

This body to body exeperience is necessary to clean your inner state and allow the Real you to come out

and enjoy Life again.

If you are looking for a Relaxing Massage in Barcelona today call the 0034 634791996

feel you soon !